Friday, February 27, 2015

Noir at the Bar - St. Paul

The new year came and near the tail end of January, Sarah and I drove up north to St. Paul where I read a bit of something called Bury You Later for a Noir at the Bar event. It was held at the Bent Brewstillery and there was a nice turnout.

The talented Brent Schoonover did the cool poster.

This was the third Noir at the Bar I've had the pleasure of reading at, and I'll be doing another one next month, this time up in Milwaukee. More on that a little later.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Noir at the Bar - Chicago

Noir at the Bar - Chicago style! This one went down in a snowy night back in December. Jake Hinkson organized the event and made the flyer. This was the first reading I'd done since Noir at the Bar - St. Louis back in November of 2012.

It was a good night, and if you check to the right, you'll see a link where you can listen to the story I read courtesy of the always excellent Booked. podcast.